Ehh!! I'm back. I think!

Sep 27, 2005 23:02

Yeah ok I'm finally writing in my LJ. Not like anyone missed me anyways. lmao. Love you Joshie, Kari and Caleb. Anyhow, so I mostly write at now.

I was gonna make all my past entries viewable to the public but then I re-read some of them and they got pretty hateful so I think I'd rather spare feelings of the past 5 months. I left very few for people to read.

Yeah so everything is screwy in my life right now. Which I hate! I mean with everything I have right now any normal person would be happy I would think. I think I just have this really big issue I've been dealing with for the past 7 months. It's a huge issue I think but so far I haven't been able to solve it. Which don't happen often. I don't even feel like reveling this issue, even to people I'm close with. I guess for now it's a personal secret which god I hate keeping secrets about myself to people I love. I feel like I'm deceiving them or something. I really think I could possibly hurt at least 1 of those people really badly! And I don't want that at all.... I know be honest but believe me I'm being as honest as I can be right now. I'm scared I so pose. Eh! I need to stop worrying.

Ok enough of my venting for tonight. Oh and please if you read my journal just leave some kind of comment and let me know you've been here. I know most of you do but im sure there are some. Anyways....Muahhhhh!!! & Luvs!!!
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