May 16, 2008 16:04
I have an interview on monday. Compassion International contacted me about being a Child Advocate. It's an amazing volunteer position, that puts me in the front lines, doing much more than just sponsoring a few children, but actually fighting for more children than I could ever do on my own. I would get to work seminars, talk to churches, community outreach. Help people become aware of the children's plight, and help children get the sponsorship that they need. Amazing. Again, phone interview monday, very excited!
Listen to the Casting Crowns song - What This World Need. It will get you pumped. Follow it up with East to West. It will humble you down. It does me.
And now I finish with a few thoughts about Erin.
What if it was all a lie? What if every unconditional promise really has become conditional? What if "I love you forever" became temporary?
My heart's reponse: Love her anyway.
That relationship is gone. That's obvious to everyone. No matter what we said, the reality is that there is no relationship of any sort. Maybe there never will be again. What if she never spoke to me again? What if I never again hear her laugh, or hold her when she cries?
Again: Love her anyway.
When do I move on? When do I let go? There's a rather feeble voice in my head that says "never". I know that's my heart, but how do I hold on and move on? Is this God telling me to move on, or telling me to fight harder than ever?
My life is waiting for an answer, what do I do? Get used to living without the one person I want to be with forever? Or hold on to this discontent, knowing that right now, this is not how it should be?
casting crowns