It has always been interesting to me how much we think we know. In one breath we will say that our experience does not define truth, and in the next we will spout a thousand different things that we learned only through experience.
Or, we will claim to follow the vast, powerful, amazing God, and yet seek to define Him ourselves, as if He needs
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The point of this post was a whole heck of a lot more about looking into our own hearts and seeing where we are trying to cast God into stone that might not be so free and clear. Most beliefs are like the one that I mentioned above, we try to add a large degree of permanence to them, when truly we often cannot know the entire truth. Truth is something we will learn more of as we go on in life, because Jesus is truth. But in this broken world, we will not know all of Him, not until we have died and are fully with Him. Because of this, we will not fully know the truth.
Perhaps God is asking you to lessen that belief of yours that all JW's are cultists? If it's possible that even 1 JW is a true servant of God, then it's possible that they all are. Just deceived, like all of us to some degree.
All my love,
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