Oct 10, 2003 19:36
Well this Randi chick seems pretty okay. We've been emailing eachother and she seems nice enough, the only problem is her choice in company. Oh well, I'll learn to live with it I guess.
I've eaten nothing except for a little lasagna for 3 days. and the lasagna I threw up last night after I ate it. It tasted nasty anyway. I took so much vicodin last night that I though I was going to die. I was in the middle of trying to tell Steven something that I've been trying to tell him for a year now, and then he started acting all stupid and I got pissed and started freaking out that everything was going back to the way things have been recently, and thats the last thing I want. I just wish i could make him understand what i'm trying to say without having to drill it into the core of his brain. UGGHHH! He makes me so angry!
Well I'm done ranting now and I'm going to go to either go to bed early or just stay up all night(most likely stay up) so I can go to work at 6 in the morning. I'm going to be drinking a lot of coffee tomorrow.