Nov 29, 2004 19:12
Hola!! Haven't updated in a while, eh? Well, Thanksgiving break was good. Wednesday morning my dad picked me up so we could go get my grandma in NC. I drove ALL the way there. No accidents, lol. When we got there, we ate and stuff, then left to come back to SC. Nikki got to spend the night with me :D It was a surprise for me & her, lol. I was happy. She got to see my mom, dad, & grandma. She was happy :D We woke up, took our showers, and dad took some pictures of me, her, & Grandma. Thankfully, saying good-bye to her wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I just said one of our new inside jokes we had the night before. Thanksgiving Day was pretty good. Grandma made collard greens, fat back, stuffing, sweet tator pie, biscuits, & sweet tator puddin. Yummy!!!!! And my daddy made the fried turkey and pumpkin pies. Very good meal. Friday was the game and I had a really good time. Such a great game I must say ;) I was expecting to lose but we won!!!! 24-0 BABY! That means that our wonderful football players will be going to STATE! Saturday morning, hada wake up early to take Grandma back. When me & my dad finally got back to the house, we ate & watched movies on SciFi ::rolls eyes:: HAHA. I plan on staying with my dad alot sanity over there is safe, lol. I decided to live with my dad my senior year (hopefully still going to Stratford, but if not, I'll still live in this hell hole.) But I do know for a fact that I will be living with him for my college years :D Well, I'll update more when I have time.