May 03, 2006 13:19
1) Public service announcement: You are wearing too much cologne if I can smell you from my car, driving by at 30 mph.
2) Had a really productive morning. Cleaned my room, did my laundry, got Alex's bike fixed, went running, ate food that was about to go bad. Additionally, hit up the bank for some much needed fund adjustment.
3) Broke down and bought a song on iTunes. There's a first time for everything. I've been listening to it non-stop.
4) For all who are physically anywhere near me, if you ever catch me having a "coffee shop conversation," kill the living shit out of me. Never let phrases like "Yeah, but if metaphysically we're all connected..." or "I mean, the meaning of life, of THIS, of this existence is to learn from the other entities, the other BE-INGS that cross our paths..." slip from my lips. I rode past Aimee's Coffee shop today and heard something of the like being pretentiosly uttered by a dusty looking gentlemen with an even dustier mind.
5) 3v3 soccer tonight. Tricks! Motherfuckin' tricks!