Finally some peace... I've done (almost) everything that I'm supposed to do- I've bitten the proverbial bullet on many counts and am ready to have loads of fun. really. next monday is my last art class- I've loved it- loved the kids and the experience and the money didn't hurt either. I'll quit JobLot as of the 15th and my last italian class is
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As far as Kerry's speech, I'm not quite sure why his speech made you feel so much better about him as a candidate. Anyone could have made a similar, if not better, speech than that. All he did was make a bunch of promises that sound nice when you're running for President. Sure, making America safe and happy and giving kids education and poor people money sounds nice, but he had absolutely no plans or ideas as to how he was going to accomplish this. (Or where that money is going to come from...) Empty promises do nothing for me when I am deciding who I am going to vote for. He wants America to support the troops over in Iraq, but (as one of many contradictions he made in his speech) he vetoed Bush's attempts to give the military the best supplies possible while they are fighting for our freedom. Not only that, but he can't even make up his mind as to whether or not he even supports this war.
Kerry talked for a good long while about the poor people and the middle class and how they are suffering under Bush's administration, and made a rather lame attempt to get his listeners to feel as though he was suffering along with them and that he felt their pain. Tell me, Kerry, when was the last time you had to scrap by for a meal? Better yet, Mr. Policitian, when's the last time you went to a soup kitchen and devoted some of your time or money to these people that you claim to support so strongly? It sounds great to say you want to help the less fortunate (and every other person in every other possible situation) but until I see a game plan or personal action on his part, I really don't see what hope America has if Kerry is President.
I think this election has really made Bush realize that his over-zealous tactics and language over the past few years has alienated a lot of people both in this country and out. This was an important and imperative lesson for him to learn, and one that I think he has taken in stride. He now approaches the war on terror from a much more defensive point of view. He has changed the angle/goal of this war to one of defending America and our way of life instead of the former "bully of the world" stance that many feel he had in the past. With this in mind, I'm throwing my support back to Bush. Faults and all, (and yes, there are many) his moral fiber, integrity, and (what I believe to be) sincere wishes for the best for our country makes him a far better candidate than Kerry could ever be.
- when I was criticizing my father's attitude about foreign affairs, I was not attacking his stance on the issues- instead, I was saying that he refuses to believe anything he doesn't want to believe. ie, he refuses to believe that Bush went golfing after sept 11 (per fah. 911); he refuses to entertain the idea that any other course could have been taken by Bush; he listens to pretty much everything oreilly says.
- as far as Kerry goes, I thought that he did give a pretty good plan, including specifics. He DID say that he would be raising taxes for those people with incomes higher than $200000. Furthermore, he explained how he would stimulate growth- by ending outsourcing, tax cuts, and big-business favoritism. Yes, he did try to appeal to the middle class, which is entirely hypocritical, BUT that was the vote he needed to get- I thought that in this case, he said what he needed to say. Bush has NOT in ANY way won back international support... and (if i read correctly in the paper today) the security alerts we've been getting in the past year are years old- - - why? i couldn't tell you! In all, everything Kerry said made sense- the skeleton of a plan is clear, and I for one, am going to take his advice and read more about the specifics online.
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