Nov 07, 2005 21:43
To: Dennis Mumby, Department Chair and Denise Currin, Department Manager
Dear sir and madame,
I am writing to you regarding the situation in which I have found myself when it comes to being allowed to take COMM 033 this upcoming semester. I am a junior and I have been informed that the class is only open to freshmen and sophomores. I understand that the motivation behind this restriction is to get people started on the Stage and Screen minor, of which I am not a part.
I have spoken with Denise Ryan (our dialogue began on October 17, following junior registration) and have been told that I am on a waiting list to be added to the course in the seemingly unlikely event that a freshman or sophomore drops the course. Originally Ms. Ryan told me that if there was still space following freshmen and sophomore registration I would be admitted to the class. She mentioned nothing in regards to the Stage and Screen minor stipulation. Freshmen registration was this past Saturday and as of this morning (Monday, November 7) there were still two spaces remaining. It seemed to me that this was the result Ms. Ryan and I had agreed upon regarding my admission to the course and I sent her an e-mail this morning asking if I would indeed be added to the class. Having received no reply from Ms. Ryan as of 3:00 this afternoon, I went to her office to consult with her. Only today was I informed that the reason for my being prevented from registering for the class was due to it being too late for me to declare the stage and screen minor. She did seem, however, willing to add me to the class until a young woman waiting in line who happened to be a sophomore spoke up and said she was there for that class as well. Ms. Ryan told me I was out of luck at this time and would only be added to the class if someone dropped. It would seem that the underclassmen had their chance to register this past weekend and neglected to take the opportunity. I was ahead of the young woman in line and had a prior agreement with Ms. Ryan but was still passed over due to my being a junior. Even if I had been awarded the spot, would I have subsequently been kicked out of the class following the sophomore's request? It seems likely.
I feel that I have been wrongfully discriminated against in this matter solely because of my class and my decision to become a Communications major late in my second semester as a Carolina student. I have had a somewhat difficult time getting into other classes in the department due to class size and my class standing. With my schedule as it is, after next semester I will still have four courses left to complete in order to earn the Communications degree. I have rather shaky confidence that over the course of my senior year I will be able to find even that small number of classes that fit my schedule, have open space, and have no bureaucratic and administrative restrictions on enrollment. Therefore, seeing as COMM 33 would fit my schedule and would count as one of the two <100 level courses I still need to take, I see it as intensely important to my chances of graduating from the University on time that I be allowed to take the class. The restrictions placed on the class are unfair and create significant difficulties for upperclassmen in positions such as mine. Surely the resources can be found to allow one more student to take the course next semester. I do not wish to be put in the position of having to delay my graduation plans due to an administrative runaround. Please take my situation and request under consideration.
Respectfully and sincerely,
Griffin Zane Van Malssen