May 26, 2005 09:30
I just realized that last time i posted a summer address, it was for Israel. Aah. wow. Anyway, I'm leaving for camp in aproximately 6 days or so. First I'm heading out to Hava Nashira at OSRUI in Wisconsin, then driving down to GUCI in Indiana. Its going to be an interesting summer, to say the least. I've never been to GUCI before, so i'm kind of really really nervous, but at the same time I'm also REALLY excited.. so I guess its good. I wish I had more time this summer just to relax at home and not stress and enjoy time with friends, but I've had a good 2 weeks or so here since APs to do those things. Its just that my time with friends has been spent saying goodbye.
Camp Address:
Hannah Richman, Machon
Goldman Union Camp Institute
9349 Moore Road
Zionsville Indiana 46077
I'll probably have internet access every once in a while, which would be great, but in some ways I'd rather get real mail from people... I'm going to miss you all and I'd oh so much love even just a quick note from each of you letting me know how you're summer's going.
Please reply with your summer address, and your summer schedule so I know when to write to which address.
In other news, this past week has been pretty confusing. and tough. Its also been amazing. The tough parts though, my grandma's been in the hospital and getting worse, neither of my computers are working correctly and i can't access some files i really need, I just found out i need to have my wisdom teeth taken out in August so that limits the time when i can go visit people/when people can visit, and I hate saying goodbye to people, and knowing that when I see them again, we'll both be different whether we choose to be or not. Right now, I'm not really loving the idea of moving on. Its going to be an inteereesting summer.