Friends for life...

Apr 22, 2005 08:55

*warning* the following paragraph includes gross injury content. *end/warning*

Yesterday night at volleyball practice this spike went off the block and straight into my shocked face. I stood there stunned, everyone pancied and asked me if i was okay, and I said "sure I'm fine" until I realized there was blood streaming down my face. Turned out I was okay, after about 10 minutes spent in the bathroom holding damp paper towels to my nose. My friend was kind enough to wipe the blood off my chin. And that got me thinking, wow. These are friends for life.

To me, friends for life are the friends who:

-Will hold your tylenol when you're sick.
-You can go months without talking or communicating, and then call them up, and its as if you just talked yesterday.
-Have seen you dance, have heard you sing off key, and love you anyway.
-You don't have to dress up for them. in fact, you don't even really get dressed for them, PJs work just fine. (aah NEL)
-Will give up their shirt or coat for you when its freezing cold.
-Will study SAT words with you at midnight in a hot tub full of floating lettuce.
-Will drive one hour each way to take you home after an all nighter on New Years Eve.
-Send you lots of letters when you're out of the country, even if you don't reply back even once.
-Make grade 9's move just so they can sit in the front row to watch you dance.
-Send you emails when you're not home, just to say how they miss you.
-Lie on top of you when you're cold.
-You can talk to for hours about absolutely nothing important, and both of you can come out of the conversation feeling like it was one of the most amazing experiences of your life.
-Will let you sleep in their room if you're having a hard night, and literally cry on their shoulder.
-Will play in a playground with you, no matter how immature and uncool it'll look.
-Will wake up at 5 AM to drive you to the greyhound station.

I've got friends who have done all of these things for me. I'm incredibly blessed. Thank you. You know who you are.
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