Well, my body seems to be calming a bit, thankfully. I was about to trade it in or something. I've now lost about 8-9 lbs since Tuesday. I think the culprit was some bad chicken ::glares at Chris::
cinesister and I will be going to the Stars with Sticks celebrity hockey game put on to benefit
the Starlight Foundation on January 17th. Kiefer was a strong selling point...DB Sweeney was the clincher. TOE PICK!!!!!!!!! *giggle*
Have gotten two monster bruises at work today. On Weds, Sweetcheeks and I were bantering in the back room and he was in the desk chair. He rolled towards me and caught the top of my thigh with the corner of the chair arm. BIG ol' bruise right away. And then today, Essa hurled a huge chunk of ice towards me and Christina (We're still not clear on why, except she was being a punk today lol) and I put my hand out, in reflex. The corner of the chunk caught my arm just right, smacking muscle and tendon, cutting the skin and giving me a lump under my skin. It still hurts, and I can't pick up heavy things (like a gallon of milk) without my hand and wrist aching. She truly hit a nerve lol.
Putting up the Baby's First Christmas ornaments on the tree, I was surprised to learn that Chris wants me to go to a different OB and get a 2nd opinion about my ability to have more children, and the risks involved. He wants at least one more. I DO NOT. I'm done. I just...I'm too selfish for the two I've got, I worry. I have things I want to do, too, I want to make management at Starbucks a career, and if we have another baby...well, hell, we wouldn't be able to afford daycare. Of course, he'll counter that Tessa is going into school this coming year, but he wants to send her to private school, so, uh, NO. Plus...well, NO. I know I have to have a c-section if we have another. Plus, if my heart turns out to have a defect and my bloodpressure is high, the doctor will advise against it. So, I actually look forward to going for that second opinion...
Much shopping tomorrow. Might be headed to Walmart in the wee hours, because they're open 24 hours now *G* Not because it'd be less crowded, though it would be, but because I could say "Yeah, so I was at Walmart at 3:30 this morning..." lol
We have a set of Tarot cards to give away. They're a Celtic Pagan set, and Chris bought them, but they didn't work for him. Not that the cards didn't work, but they didn't resonate to him. Does that make sense? Does to me...now I just have to figure who to give them to.
OK, cookies are baked for Tessa's party tomorrow (yeah, that was fun for my tummy...ugh), RPG replies are sent to
cinesister, I actually did some work for CTUNet (don't pass out lol), and well, I'm exhausted.
So, goodnight, all!