1) I've graduated from SP (not officially though) but that means I've also finished internship at Hays. It has been a good experience, and I absolutely adore and miss everyone there. x
2) I've been leading a healthier lifestyle, running and swimming a few times a week! Which is a pretty good thing, I guess! I'm also going back to dancing now that I have more time on my hands.
3) I've been away for some time, and I don't know if I'm going to come out of my shell anytime soon. I'm going to Sabah to teach English in March and to Bangkok in April just to chill and get away from the world. I guess that also means more black & white (film) photos to come from Sabah!
4) I'm slowly coming back to photography. It's been 4 months since I did any proper shooting. I guess you could count today's one as a proper one, albeit in a much different style than I would usually pursue.
5) I purchased a very good copy of an FD 50mm f/1.4 for my Canon AE-1, so I'm going to sell my 50mm f/1.8 (for Canon film) & I'm also looking at selling my 50mm f/1.8 (for Canon digital), so any interested takers - please leave a comment!
Have a beautiful March! xxx
Date: 03 March 2011 Location: Cityhall Equipment: Canon 450D + EF 50mm f/1.4