(no subject)

Jul 08, 2004 21:38

1.What time is it? 9:29 pm
2.What is your name? Robin
3.What is your birthday? Christmas Eve
4.How many sibs do you have? 1
5.What are your sibs names? Caitlyn
6.Do you have a job? Not yet, but I might work at Sweenor's. It's a really good candy store. <3
7.If yes, where? McDonald's
8.If no to #5, Where do you wanna work? Number 5 is my sister's name...
9.Do you have a car? No way, man.
10.What kinda car do you have/want? Tan Land Rover.

11.Movie: The Breakfast Club
12.Song: The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen
13.Band: Nickelback
14.Group: O-Town? lol
15.Singer: Thicke, Ben Jelen.
16.TV Show: Family Guy
17.TV Channel: Cartoon Network
18.Actor: Chris McDonald
19.Actress: Catherine Zeta-Jones
20.Comic: Creepshow?
21.Magazine: Er... YM?
22.Food: Taco Bell
23.Snack: Doritos
24.Drink: Dr. Pepper
25.CD-ROM Game: Diamonds
26.Board Game: Connect Four!
27.Card Game: Go Fish, Uno.
28.Kid Game: Diamonds, Connect Four, Go Fish, Uno.
29.Number: 14
30.Cartoon: Family Guy, South Park.
31.Character: Chris Griffin
32.Disney Character: Errr... I hate Disney. Sorry, Lizzie McGuire.
33.Color: Lime green
34.Hair Color: BROWN
35.Time of the day: 10 pm
36.Day of the week: Friday
37.Week of the month: Wwwhatever.
38.Month of the Year: July.

39.Do you plan on having children: Yes, 3.
40.Do you want to get married: Badly.
41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: 25-30.
42.How old do you wanna be when your married: 23-27.
43.Would you have kids before marriage? Nope.
44.What would you name the boy? Cameron
45.What would you name the girl? Adrienne
51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): I wish.
52.Do you have a crush?: Many.

53.Music/TV: Music
54.Guys/Girls: Guys.
55.Green/Blue: GREEN.
56.Pink/Purple: (Barbie throws up pink)
57.Sleep/StayUp: UPPPP
58.Summer/Winter: Fall
59.Spring/Fall: Fall
60.Night/Day: Night
61.Hangin Out/Chillin: Hanging out, because I'm white.
62.Friends/Lovers: Fabio.
63.Cold/Warm: Cool.
64.Fast/Slow: Depends on what's going on.
65.New/Old: Vintage.
66.Dark/Light: Dark.
67.Sparkle/Shine: Sparkle.
68.Peach/Plum: Plum.
69.Apple/Orange: Orange juice.
70.Laundry/Dishes: Laundry.
71..Christina/Britney: Christina
72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: Korn.
73.Rock/Rap: Rock.
74.Pop/R&B: Pop.


98.Eminem: White.
99.Rap: Black.
100.Teenagers: Black.
101.Smoking: Disgusting.
102.Death: Scary.
103.Life: Scary.
104.Drinking: Stupid.
105.Bomb Threats: Um.. I got nothin'.

106... 107... 108?

109.Who is your best friend?: Caroline
110.Who is the best person to hang with?: Caroline
111.Who is the sweetest person?: Paul.
112.Whos the cutest person: Bill.
113.Whos the nicest?: Kristen.
114.Whos the best to talk online with?: Brian.
115.Whos the most blonde: Brittany.
116.Whos the weirdest: Lisa.
117.Whos the craziest: Jessica.
118.Loudest: Jessica.
119.Quietest: Brittany.
120.Smartest: Caroline and Kristen.
121.Quickest: Hm?
123.Most Trustful: Caroline.
124.Most Honest: Jessica.
125.Most Cheerful: Me.

126.Are you glad it's almost done? Yeah, this is pretty boring.
127.Are you bored? Nope.
128.What kinda mood are you in right now? So very tired.
129.Did you have a good day today? It was relaxing.
130.What are you doing tomorrow: Hanging out with my dad.
131.What did you do today?: Hung out with Kristen.

Uh... Jena... can you count?

138.What time is it now?: 9:37 pm
139.How long has it been since you started?: Go look yourself. Don't make me scroll up.
140:Why is pickle juice green?: I could really go for a pickle right about now.
Current Mood: Tired.
Current Music: Some fishing music.
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