og hdahahm.

Oct 18, 2003 20:14

wow.. x.x; typing really fast & not backspacing is hilarious.

xgirlsvomitcandy: *types your name fast*
xgirlsvomitcandy: mercedse
xgirlsvomitcandy: o.o;
tristificus: *tries yours* o.o
tristificus: rahcel
tristificus: x.x
xgirlsvomitcandy: xD!
tristificus: jennifer
tristificus: w00t, got jen's
xgirlsvomitcandy: jennifer
tristificus: carline
tristificus: x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: carliune
xgirlsvomitcandy: x.x lmfao
tristificus: matthew
tristificus: lethariuos
xgirlsvomitcandy: mattthrew
tristificus: xD@leth's name
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmgso
xgirlsvomitcandy: *lmfao
xgirlsvomitcandy: rahcell
tristificus: haha, you got "matt threw"
tristificus: jontohas
tristificus: .... x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmmfaooooo
xgirlsvomitcandy: jonothgan
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO
tristificus: holliy
tristificus: x.x;@holly
xgirlsvomitcandy: holly
tristificus: young
tristificus: w00t
xgirlsvomitcandy: yojng
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmfao!
tristificus: xDDD
tristificus: amada/aelx'
tristificus: ... x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: amanda/saelxz
tristificus: danuiel
xgirlsvomitcandy: x.x how the hell
xgirlsvomitcandy: daniel
tristificus: ... x.x;
tristificus: michale
tristificus: damn names
tristificus: hjessick fodar
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmfaoooo
tristificus: ....... wow lmao x.x
xgirlsvomitcandy: jessicka forder
tristificus: marilyn masbnfoh
tristificus: wtf
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO
tristificus: x.x;@his last name
xgirlsvomitcandy: marlin manon
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO!
tristificus: marlin lmfao
tristificus: josehp
xgirlsvomitcandy: jack off jkill
tristificus: x.x close enough
tristificus: jack offhill
xgirlsvomitcandy: micahel
xgirlsvomitcandy: mike
tristificus: mike
when wedisappear: What are we doing?
tristificus: typing names really fast
when wedisappear: george
when wedisappear: bob
tristificus: without backspacking and such
when wedisappear: fred
when wedisappear: orange
when wedisappear: o.o;
xgirlsvomitcandy: o.o people we know?
tristificus: martin
tristificus: o.o
when wedisappear: martina
xgirlsvomitcandy: joseph
tristificus: kerry
tristificus: .. person
xgirlsvomitcandy: keryy
tristificus: julieyh
tristificus: x.x
tristificus: atara
xgirlsvomitcandy: sammy soao
when wedisappear: gary
tristificus: sammy sosa
tristificus: gary
when wedisappear: christina
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmao xD
tristificus: shatneekl
when wedisappear: rachle
when wedisappear: mercedes
tristificus: ... there's shantelle's new name
when wedisappear: mike
when wedisappear: xD
tristificus: Shatneekl. x.x
xgirlsvomitcandy: shtenlle
tristificus: sounds like "shat nickel"
when wedisappear: shantelle
when wedisappear: lmao xD
when wedisappear: nick
tristificus: aaroh
tristificus: x.x
xgirlsvomitcandy: aroon
xgirlsvomitcandy: lmfao
tristificus: xDDD
tristificus: katui

(it goes on & on as we list various bands & songs.. but I won't bore you!)

edit people's SNs! xD!

xgirlsvomitcandy: xgirlmbomiyvandy
tristificus: tristicfyhs
tristificus: queen xx ntoghon
tristificus: x
tristificus: .x
xgirlsvomitcandy: not even going to try merfs
xgirlsvomitcandy: lol
when wedisappear: They'd be like: "Omg...they're drunk together"
when wedisappear: whenehwesdisdaper
xgirlsvomitcandy: wuene xx montung
when wedisappear: o.o;
tristificus: xDDD
tristificus: xgirlsmvo8ithcandy
when wedisappear: queen xxdnothoind
tristificus: .. wow, i got a number in there
when wedisappear: xgirlfs fovmitnidandu
tristificus: when we disapeprh
when wedisappear: x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: wenwe diaspear
tristificus: cruciy the EHARH
tristificus: life esplx you
when wedisappear: xD
when wedisappear: I thought that sayd earth
xgirlsvomitcandy: .feexpel yopu
tristificus: servantotthdarrk
tristificus: xnothginxmanx
xgirlsvomitcandy: noxnothingxmmoan,x
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO
xgirlsvomitcandy: MOAN xD!
tristificus: LMFAO
tristificus: no nothing moan xD
when wedisappear: xnohtingxmanx
when wedisappear: xD
xgirlsvomitcandy: AHAHAHA
when wedisappear: live sexplels you
xgirlsvomitcandy: serbanttofrhtdarkd
tristificus: dazxrrcramonster
when wedisappear: servanttothedark
xgirlsvomitcandy: yaylemons
when wedisappear: dacrazymosnter
tristificus: daniclex2noeal
when wedisappear: x.x;
when wedisappear: yaylemsons
xgirlsvomitcandy: danielcer2anoerl
tristificus: lifeiskl,.ingme
when wedisappear: xD
xgirlsvomitcandy: irishedlkitten2211
tristificus: irshkithen1221
tristificus: x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: o.o
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO
when wedisappear: maidenman444
xgirlsvomitcandy: maidenman2223333
tristificus: miadienemann343343
tristificus: .. x.x;
when wedisappear: missed a 4 x.x;
xgirlsvomitcandy: LMAO
when wedisappear: irishkitten441
tristificus: yay lmeosn
when wedisappear: xD
tristificus: PREPIESDEATGH
xgirlsvomitcandy: PEIPPEIES DAEATH
tristificus: nice vowel usage xD
when wedisappear: x.x Is he all of a sudden against preppies?
when wedisappear: *isn't against preppies*
tristificus: Jacob? I dunno o.o
tristificus: *doesn't know him well*
xgirlsvomitcandy: huvAVY3344
xgirlsvomitcandy: ...jubab3344
tristificus: jubab22436
when wedisappear: I don't like labeling people anymore x.x
xgirlsvomitcandy: who cares?
tristificus: hubbab!
xgirlsvomitcandy: yimbaba
tristificus: gilgamaehsy
xgirlsvomitcandy: *humbaba
when wedisappear: jubabe278542
when wedisappear: o.o;
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