Sooooo the deal is if you are tagged, you post a blog with 10 facts/quirks/idiosyncrassies/weird things about yourself that you don't think many other people know. Then, at the end, you tag 6 other people you want to do the same in their journals. No tag-backs, I think, is the rule. I was tagged by
autumnverse and she's a dear so I'll do it for her. I'll tag people later because I'm sort of too lazy to go picking and choosing in my f-list right now...
1.If you've ever read my fics, you'd think I was some sexed-up professional slave-training dominatrix or something. Tall and elegant with stiletto boots.
...Actually, I'm really small. My friends say that I am little and cute, and non-threatening. Apparently, I have cheeks like a baby that my friends like to pinch *grumbles* And I really suck at walking in high heels.
2.I'm from San Francisco, California. It's pretty much the best city everrrr!
3.I speak french almost fluently. I'm learning Japanese, and I'm going to Japan! Yay!
4.Um...magic rocks and all, but I've always thought that the harry potter books were overrated. Like....way overrated. I;m not trying to say that they aren't interesting and fun, mind you, but J.K. Rowling ain't the storyteller Stephen King is, not would I pit her against many other authors even in the same genre.
5.I think lip rings are mad sexy on guys AND girls!
6.As jaded as I am, I can truly appreciate some good-old fashioned romance tales. Not like...romance novels but I know in regular fiction/Historical fiction novels...Phillipa Gregory, for example. The ones that try to be hella realistic but then have true love conquer all anyways? I like those.
[see, know you know I'm from San Francisco for real 'cause I just said 'hella'! Heee]
7.I love shopping at American Apparel even though they're sorta expensive because they're 100% Sweatshop free and their tailors/factory workers have decent pay they can make a living off of.
8. If I didn't live somewhere you can see the ocean from, a coastal town/city, I think maybe I'd wither away and die.
9.Taking naps is one of my favorite things to do. All the time. Morning, afternoon, evening...I <3 naps. If I couldn't take naps I'd flunk out of college sooooo hard.
10.I'm so picky that for my entire kindergarden year, my parents had to make me bread-and-butter sandwiches for lunch. When I eat some kind of food that has juice (like...boiled spinach or something like that) I have to wipe the juice with a napkin so that it doesn't corrupt the rest of my meal. I was telling my friends all this today, and, as a result, I was force-fed my first bite of a peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwich EVER in my entire life.