"Stop staring at my tits." 'What?!?!" "Nothing..."

Feb 14, 2005 17:36

So yes. Happy Suck Day to all. Or as the Brothers Skinner have dubbed it, "Single People Awareness Day". Nice.

I spend the whole day looking for a job. In addition to applying at the fanastic nursery in Iowa City and Mr Movies, today I applied at...

*Ralston Creek (Some obnoxious looking furniture store)
*Sears Optical
*New Pioneer Co-Op (for three different positions, thus three different applications)
*The Bread Garden
*American Eagle *shudders* But of all the retail stores there, American Eagle makes me gag the least.

Bear in mind that I cannot yet apply anywhere that requires a drug test (not right now anyway) or a resume (IE Mediacom, Qwest, there's a job in Habitat for Humanity I want to apply for, among MANY others listed in the papers/online) because since I've never needed one, I don't have one. I plan to tackle that tonight. I need to at least start the FAFSA online too. Both "adventures" I could use assistance from Angela on...and since she's coming this weekend...it works out nicely.

Speaking of which...yes Angela is coming to visit. This makes me extremely happy. I think we both could use this time together GREATLY right now.

While out and about (especially downtown) it became apparent that the world to CRAWLING with couples. Enough to make this kid sick. This is probably a great time for people who have someone (Can you imagine the percent of the population that will be getting laid tonight???) but for those of us who are single it's hellish. Makes a guy feel extra alone.

Even the other night at the porn store with Andrew (My wasn't THAT an adventure...helping his room mate pick out a buttplug...good times....) reminded me I'm alone. All those people on the TVs and boxes are getting action. Why not me? haha I mean to be perfectly honest I don't need "action". I'll spare you the emotional outpouring, but sufficed to say it's not the SEX I desire nessicarily. (But man, wouldn't it be nice) Thankfully, Andrew sent me home with a selection from his "library" of sorts to keep me company. "School Boy Crush" made my first night back in my apartment by myself a bit more tolerable to say the least.

Being home for like a week and a half did good things for my emotional state of being.

Leaving to come back did not.

So as a result I'm tossing around the idea of going and getting on at a temp agency there and just chilling in Ankeny until like April...when it's warmer and things in Iowa City start gettng more fun. This sitting endlessly in my apartment alone all winter is getting to me. It was nice to be around people all the time. I doubt I'll go stay there...I need to stay here. (I can do this) It just means I need to get out a lot more. I keep saying that...

I think Bosco has a cold. He keeps sneezing...and he's acting kind of grumpy. Do they make Tylonol Kitty Cold and Sinus?

I saw Shelby this afternoon standing by her apartment waiting for her sister. I pulled in to say hello. She didn't seem thrilled to see me, but that could just be me.

***If anyone knows of, or hears about, any job openings LET ME KNOW....obviously.***
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