I gave it a shot.

Nov 07, 2005 12:29

-places hand together= I enjoyed answering this lovely meme thing. We shuold have more!

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
After a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with ___cloud___ to repopulate the Earth?Put him with that Zack person, he seems to enjoy his company greatly.Does genkigenkigenki know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?I wouldn't...know. Do you?Can ___ruby___ solve a Rubik's Cube?Who would win in a fight between legcramp and jocknut?Neither, there both to pathice for their own good.Is carrier_ventus evil?A messnger evil?What would you say at wutai_thief's funeral?Thus I knew her well. . .I nevre knew her so I wouldn't have anything kind to say about her from the start.Have you ever suspected doctor_nusakan of being a lifelike robot?He could be.In what ways is mew_leon smarter than you?I was never for brains, only beauty.What hobby do you think reno_yo should take up?He's already have a lot, lets have him do a nude photo shoot.If guns_and_aeons and doc_hojo were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?Yuna would be the confused sidekick. Hojo with pretty hair be the hero.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?
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