sleep is a good thing

Oct 04, 2003 16:09

My god. I'm so tired. I don't even know why I'm online. I feel like I could lay my head down right here on my keyboard and go to sleep. Atleast I'm auctually getting tired now though. For a while I couldn't sleep at all. For the past few days I've been either so busy I just didn't know what to do with myself or so stressed out I felt like I just might explode, and thus, I've gotten no sleep. Well, I take that back. I have gotten about 3 hours of sleep.. in the last 3 days, and I believe it's all hitting me right now. But, I really need to stay up for atleast another 4 hours so I won't wake up at 11pm and be up all night and then have to go in to work at 5:00 tomorrow morning. That would not be good. That would be bad.. I was pretty bad at work today. I guess I was just a little grumpy. But that may auctually have more to do with what I drank last night than being sleep deprived. lol. I didn't realize it at the time but I was snapping at everyone and even throwing stuff at my co-workers instead of handing it to them nicely :X I feel bad. But, oh well they'll get over it. They know how I am. Atleast I wasn't as bad as I was last night. I was out of my mind with anger for about an hour or so and I believe I woke up an entire neighborhood with my loud ass mouth. I had good reason though. I'm not going to go into too many details but my Dad fucked me over royally and I don't play around when it comes to money. I don't have much, but what I do have I have worked hard for and I earned it like I feel he should have. I don't get much help from anyone. If I want or need something I go out and work, make money and buy it myself. I'm 17. I don't feel I should have to take care of my parents when they should still (legally) be taking care of me. Don't get me wrong. I don't expect help from anyone. When it comes down to it I'd rather work my ass off and pay my own bills and buy my own food, my own car, house, etc. etc.. because in the long run I know it will make me stronger. I will appreciate everything I aquire because I know the value of money and I know what it is to struggle in life. Thats more than any spoiled little rich kids who get everything handed to them can say for themselves. Mommy and Daddy won't always be there to bail them out of everything and they won't know what to do when real life hits them in the face. But I will, because I don't depend on anyone but myself. *nods head* Damn straight :D
Anyways I think I'll go plug in a movie and try to stay awake a little longer. If not, fuck it. I deserve the rest, damnit.
[edit] Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I put a new layout up at Trashed the other day, and um, everyone should go see it and tell me what you think *blink* yeah. [/edit]
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