May 07, 2007 17:45
if only i were better at keeping up with my journal. oh well.
i don't have much to say. school is ending FINALLLY finals start next thursday dylans birthday is next tuesday ap exams start tomorrow (no like that affects me) i'm not going to the white mountains this summer and i'm a little bummed because i love going. but i have soo much going on with school and everything that i don't think i can. hopefully the following summer i will be able to go again. i sent in all my housing stuff for westfield so that is exciting.
i saw natalie yesterday because we got our letters back from mr moylan hah athat was funny!! mine was so stupid. i wrote about going to the cape with rose and natalie and maura and caitlin and julie. i still remember that trip we went swimming the watterw as freezing we made fun of maura because it looked like she went swimming naked i hit my head on the floor? (dont ask) so i wasn't allowed to go to the movie store to pick out a movie oh man i miss 8th grade.
prom is in 2 weeks i'm so excited! i love getting dressed if i only had a dress. oh well
thats about it i'm sure i had a few more things but my mom called me into the kitchen
thats all <3