The Application:
Name: Rhiannon Alix
Location: Nashua, NH
Age: 17
Relationship Status: i cant answer that right now...single, i think?
Book: Chicken Soup books :)
Movie: Remember the Titans
Band: Yellowcard
Song: "rhiannon" by fleetwood mac
Food: buffalo wings
Color: PINK!
Place to visit: Camo Farnsworth, Thetford, VT <3 my 2nd home
Room in your home: my bedroom ;)
Just stuff we want to know:
craziest thing you've ever done: skinny dipping, i guess--lol, fun actually
most rewarding thing you've ever done: two words: AP Gov...learned so much, made great friends, and had tons of fun
three things you love: My friends, my family, and chocolate <3
hobbies: snowboarding, dancing, horsebackriding <3
and the end:
how many car accidents have you been in: none. ::knocks on wood::
make us smile/laugh: look at my pictures, that'll make you smile :) ((eek, sorry,, confident moment lol))...i'll quote a mod to make you laugh...Amanda, in Washington DC, refering to the National Mall ((ie, the big field thingy!))--"Where's the National Mall?" thinking it was a shopping place :) lol, i LOVE you amanda!
if you could tell us one thing it would be: hm, i love you--and i want to marry you
if you had one day left to live, what would you do: have an joke, i would, just so i could say i did
promote our community to atleast three people:
_that_jack will hear about this, as will
wanderinnotlost and
stridentapple...and if i get permission, i'll promote it in
happybutpretty The Pictures Now:
whoa, where did those curls come from?
Thank You! :)