Jul 29, 2011 16:40
Somehow, after being asked to describe gyaru to my friend (lol don't ask) I wandered over to the Japanese fashion trains of thought and corners of the interwebz, just for shits and giggles, and because apparently I have that kind of time (I really don't; I should be writing, and since it's my job, the fact that I haven't written in over 24 hours kinda is like showing up to work and doing FUCK ALL). Anyway, it gave me an idea. I may not have the money to go out and get things that look PRECISELY like any of the lolis in whatever style in which they come, but I can take the idea and the aesthetic and warp my own wardrobe based on what I have to meet a similar satisfaction for myself.
This is all leading up to me saying I just spent 2 hours organizing my closet (just the clothes, mind you; haven't touched the shoes) into careful sections.
1: Pixie. This is where all the bright colored things I have belong (yes, they exist) -- or just about anything that isn't going to fit in the later category of Wayward Victorian. Harry Potter, owl, flower, butterfly, sparkly, skull, and deer shirts all go here along with the very few technicolor hoodies that I own. The name is a little self explanatory, I think? These shirts are to be worn as my "lazy" clothes, although they are also fucking adorable.
2: Diru Chic. I WAS going to call this Band Rat, meaning that all of my tees from concerns would go here but let's be serious: the main bulk of tee shirts I have from bands ARE Diru and any others I have are either small in number, shrunk, or things I plan to use to make other shirts. So, yes. Diru Chic, followed closely by:
3: Alice. These dresses I've paired off with sweaters or hooded, zip up sweatshirts that match their color and scheme. I'm particularly proud of this collection, since there's a few combinations I've made that are essentially homages to Alice in Wonderland. I've even named these combinations with Alice-styled titles because that's how much of a dork I am (be grateful I didn't DESCRIBE the combinations to you [I was going to but thought better of it]). The two that I'm most proud of are the Tea Party dress and the Queensland dress. The former is a bright blue dress (like the original Alice's) under a bright pink hoodie that has happy bees, happy tea pots, happy birds and happy flowers on it, while Queensland is a checkered black and white dress underneath a short red hoodie that has even darker red hearts sewn into it.
4: Wayward Victorian. This is where things get a bit more "dull," in that these pieces are either black or white, solid, with nothing on them -- not yet, anyway. I plan to either wear these pieces over some of the Alice dresses (in case I need to layer things for inclement weather, say) or make something out of them: put phrases on them (I'm planning a whole line of "ARE YOU SUFFERING?" shirts with the phrase printed in various languages. I have German, French, and Korean so far; other than that I have quotes from Shakespeare and EA lyrics), stitch stuff onto them (perhaps creating my own shirts from the reject copies of others to form knock off band-supporting tees?), and the like. The reason why I called it Wayward Victorian is because I plan to pair these pieces off with my more typical "goth" attire, but with dashes and changes here and there. Stripes are a must. Hearts in various shapes, sizes, and colors are required. As are accessories (Bracelets! Necklaces! Parasol! -- I have one of those now!!).
Honestly? This feels really, really nice to do. I always liked planning outfits ahead, but never really felt as if any of the things I chose really suited me. Now I look at my closet and see all the pre-planned outfits, or how they can be interchanged, and I'm comforted.
.... Which will only cause trouble when winter strolls in and makes me have to change clothes ;)
And now, I really should be writing. ... after I finish a crossword :3