Holy bullets!

Jun 01, 2006 08:44

So, here I am, all of these feelings in my head. Willow killed, Cordy, vamped by Angel after she and I had just made love for the first time and then when trying to stay away from Buffy and Giles because memories of the familiar...not exactly what I wanted right now, I hang with Faith, who ends up rocking my world. So, here I am, heading to prom with her, looking stunning in a red dress and not in leather, me wanting to make love wih her again, but Buffy is with us, and talk about uncomfortable. I wasn't the type to brag about conquests or in the case of Faith, being conquested by her, but I was nervous about her finding out.

I knew that she would freak out, not the least of which reason, probably because I had just lost Cordy and had already moved on. So, I have all of these emotions, and then we get, holy moly, dropped off by some demon driver at some woodsy type place, where a videotape is taunting the slayers. Not a slayer here, but it was okay. I wouldn't leave Buffy's side if she was in danger, and with the way that I was feeling about Faith at the moment, I would take a bullet for her.

And bullets there were, and some weird demon guy with knives coming out of his arms. The guy with the gun shot at us, and the demon attacked. I didn't know why this kill the slayer mission was on, but it was definitely on, and it sucked. The yellow demon decided to attack us in the cabin that we had sought refuge in, while the bullets weren't flying, and while I was cowering away, and while Buffy and Faith were dodging knives and handling the weird yellow demon, a bomb with a magnet gets launched into the cabin, nearly hitting Bufy and Faith near the window and then me near the wall. It was going to explode in thirty seconds.

I jumped up, Buffy and Faith pummedled the demon, tied him up with a telephone cord and then we launched ourselves out of the back, and as we did, more bullets came our way. The building exploded, the scream of the yellow demon, unmistakable as he died. That was all well and good, but I was still worried about the crazy, gun toting maniac.

I was pretty much planted behind the tree that we were near, while Buffy and Faith, the fearless ones that they were, decided to use the trees and the darkness of the woods to their advantage. The gun-toting maniac came towards me, fired a few more shots into the tree and I could almost feel them going through the bark and into me, and I jumped, not afraid to admit that I might have screamed, once or twice. My scream was masculine, though, and this guy was supposed to be after the slayers...again, not that I wanted Buffy or Faith to get hurt.

It was just...god...too much...Willow and Cordy killed and one of them now a demon, and now this? What was next? Wait, I didn't want to know, because Daniel Boone was facing me, screaming for where the girls were, the gun ponted at me. I saw my life flash before my eyes, until Buffy threw something at him, distracted him, and while he turned to face her, she ran and he fired, missing, as she used the trees for cover.

The wildernessy guy was facing Buffy, and looked wild, like he was introuble, which was right. Faith hit him with a right hand before he could turn, and then ripped the gun out of his hand and smashed the butt of it into Daniel Boone's forehead, knocking him silly.

"Oh, thank God," I said, as Faith rummaged through his pockets, found rope and Buffy tied him up. They dumped the gun in the woods and we carried the bad guy towards town. I would have suggested just killing him, but slayers didn't kill humans.

I ended up carrying the bound man, until we got to the crossroad between where the jail was and where the school was. Buffy told me to get to the dance, to find Giles and to tell him about the videotape and eveything that happened in the woods. I agreed, although I was of the opinion that we should all stick together in this. Faith took the unconscious wannabe murderer on her shoulders and they were gone.

I worried. I was aroused watching Faith handle the man like a sack of potatoes and thinking about the hot sex of earlier. I was running faster then ever, in case somebody else was after s, and I reached the school and went into the homecoming dance, looking dirty and smelling worse. I looked around, avoided eye contact with any of the other students, and finally, found, and rushed towards Giles, who looked alarmed as I came towards him.

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