Mar 20, 2002 22:00
Like around freakin 5 o'clock, it was beginnin to rain and then all of a sudden i hear the door being banged on the door and i go downstairs and open the door and its pothead aka robert, justin, and cory. And justin was like rachaelllll you have any weed and i was like WTF, you DO NOT come to MY HOUSE and bang on MY door and have the nerve to ASK ME for weed. and it was beginning to rain and i was just like, "you know what, hold on" and i got a black and some money and went outside and then like justin and robert just put their arms around me their all like "i love you rachael, sell us some weed, please" and i was like "dont have any, im sorryyy" and it started rainin a little harder, and i was like "dudes, dad is home, is sick, so stfu and walk" and like while we were walkin, cory was like "i heard about that x" and i was like "WHAT" and cory was like "dylan told me" and i was like "how the hell did dylan find out?" cuz cory is only uhmm 12 or 13 and dylan is 15 and cory was like i heard dylan over tell someone and yeah and robert was like "DONT LOOK AT ME!! I DIDNT TELL" and like lol i didnt believe the fucker lol and they said they found a sac of weed, a 20 SAC of weed by the FUCKING GUTTER and i went nutz lol but i was wit 3 freakin guys lmao...anyways...uhmm....justin was like "robert wants to fuck you" and i was like "ohhh yeahhh please lol" and robert was like "this is my sister mannn" and yeahhh their jackass' and then justin went home and my shirt was SOAKED, luckily, it was red lol and like me, robert and cory walked home cuz cory lives like 3 houses down and robert was like "sis, let me meet your mom" and i was like "WHAT...." and he was like "let me meet your mom so shes not paranoid!!" and i was like "ok...w/e" and like i dunno...robert is weird. But whats weirder is on that match maker thing, robert was number 1 for me, and i was number 1 for him...weird LMAO :X ANYWAYS ;x i'm waitin for a phone call :)