Thanks for all the great comments last entries:
Jenny Alley Katrina Kalen Beth Allison Senta Taylor Arwa Ral Michele Donna Lissa Katie Michelle Anonymous
Tonni <3
Wow that took a while LOL anyways, as you see I've decided to link my commenters now. I feel that it's the right thing to do since they're spending their time to comment on my journal, the least I could do is link them :)
Yesterday I watched this Miss Vietnamese Freeworld pageant thing on tape and after it ended they show like this behind the scene thing of what happens during that pageant, and let it tell you it ain't pretty *shakes head* Those girls have to practice like all day long, 14 hours. And there's lots of drama involved too, like "he said, she said" kinda stuff. This seriously makes me never want to join any pageant at all in this lifetime. And it turns out those stupid judges let the wrong girl won because it turns out, in the behind the scenes thing, she only entered for the money and to beat this one other girl that was much prettier and cooler than her. I understand if you're gonna do it for the money, then do it but you don't have to tell everyone, that's just wrong man. And there's was this one girl, she was soooo pretty and she represents everything a vietnamese girl should but she didnt even fucken win any prizes, she got into the top 5 and thats all. This is fucked up. The bitch that won didn't deserve this at all, those stupid judges are like blind... and I honestly think this pageant is fixed because the contestants get to meet the judges beforehand so who knows what might have happened than. OK, enough w/ my ranting today LOL. Adios people.
What you you guys think? I like the pooh ones the best :)
Random Note: Eww, the transperancy is sometimes making my beyonce icon invisible :( haha and you have to highlight it to make it visible again :p
Eww.... sex w/ my mom?! That's just plain sick... and my babies daddy is some old guy on the street?! FUCK. this memegen sux ass, the only good thing is I get to fuck ben affleck haha XD