Merry xmas and 2022 nears the end
I took this photo yesterday. Made it into an online Christmas banner thing in a couple different photo editing apps on my phone.
Seems we had snow for Christmas this year. It's becoming a rare thing here in this part of Canada it seems. Weird to say I know. I can remember as a child playing in snow banks that were well over my head. Sliding down a snow covered sand pit. Seems like forever that we had that much snow. Last year we were going outside in shorts and tshirt as the temps got up into the teens(celius). This year we lucked out with a good 10 cm or so. It'll be gone this weekend if the weather channel is any good at predicting weather. We're going back up to plus 11 celius and rain. Mind you it's only Wednessday so that could change.
I had a good Christmas, with family, my brothers, their wives, their kids, their dogs, and my cats. Eh my cats stayed in the trailer, I didn't bring them to dinner. Dane one of my brothers dog a pit bull huskie mix would eat them. He's a big ol' lap dog really but he does like to chase cats. I often take him for a walk when the weather is good.
The year flew by didn't it? I don't know time has been strange. It just seems like only yesterday 2021 had ended and now here we are with 4 days left of 2022. I am actually apprehensive and anxious about 2023. To Quote Han Solo "I got a bad feeling about this..." I mean we're well past Blade Runner time aren't we?
I'm still alive though and a year older. 51. Didn't think I'd ever see 51. Will I see 52? Ha! Who knows? Hey Ozzy is still alive and kicking and he's what? 70? He also did drugs and drank way more booze then I ever did in my 51 years.
Still here posting in this online journal thing. Although not as often as I once did.