AcTiOn PaCkEd WeEk!!!

Aug 17, 2004 21:04

so...this week has been hecktic but it was fun! soccer camp was hard but barrable...the soccer tournament was good except for the fact that we only won 1 out of 4 game.... haha i scored a goal thanx to britney!! yeah me woohoo! ne ways i went shopping today wiht jeremy shayna and sarah!lol omg it was sooo funny we were asking ppl for money cuz me and jermey didnt have enough to get our pants together so we said we were doing a scaveger hunt and wew needed $2 so we asked this guy and he new we were kidding so he said what kind of stuff did you have to get and me and jerem were liek ooh crap adn i looked me my bag and i took my belt off cuz it didxnt look good so i said a belt and a leik 1922 penny and other stuff! it was sooo funny and shayna and sarah got liek 16 pix taken adn we got 1!! :( ne ways me and jeremy got our pants and ppl are really nice and they give alot of money to you if you ask and say the right thing!lol well i love these ppl.
sarah* x a million! lol jk
the pahoea's* lol and i miss them!
and everyonje else that i didtn put and i will fix it and put you on!
<3 april
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