over my head. for real.

Nov 30, 2006 14:25

by the third day of classes of winter trimester i am already overwhelmed. I swear i'm not a total geek, but my stomache is already in knots about theses classes and the amount of work each will consist of.

Senior Seminar- taught by the nicest lady ever...BUT the chair of the College....SO you can imagine everything is by the book with high expectations. we have to do a case study each week, a student asked, "so how long should they be? 10 pages??" and the teacher responded, "more like 15, at least". THIS IS EVERY SINGLE WEEK!?!?!?!?! is this humanly possible on top of 4 other classes and work? And the book is about $200, we need to get a subscription to the wall street journal, 50% of the entire class is group work....AND i will be doing a month of this work from NY....i don't have a clue what i'm going to do.

Public Assembly Facilities Management- This class is taught by my most hated professor. I'm sure you've heard me rant about him. He starts every class at least 15 minutes late, spends half the class talking about how great he is, talks down to us, and thinks he's the king of the world.....no clue what he's talking about ever. This is a "writing intensive course".....his courses that were non-writing intensive..had about a 3 page paper due each week...so what does this mean?

Electronic Commerce- You can smell this teacher from the back row. She was graded as a D on myspace professor grading. We have a lab project and case study due each week, plus a term project and group papers. Group papers are by far the most idiotic idea i've encountered in college. And i'm grouped with technology students and marketing students. I am the only Sports Entertainment and Event Mgt. student in the class

Contemporary Issues- Great teacher, I love her. I've had her once before. She has a heart of gold. But she's demanding, assigns a ton of homework , its a writing intensive course, and she's a hard grader. At least I don't need a text book for this class.

Career Capstone- This class is referred to as a joke. But because of this class i have 6 hours of class straight on tuesdays. Then I'll be working 8 hour nights.

I think i'll have about 25 pages of writing each week. This must be some sort of incredibly terrifying joke...right?

And since I couldnt get more than 2 hour shifts during the week at MelDiva or the MGH i got a new job. At pinz. I start Monday night as a waitress/cocktail girl. Should be wicked interesting. Never waitressed before and they will have me working 5pm-12pm (at least).....  Then working both the greenhouse and pinz on the weekend...

basically I have no fucking clue how i'm going to get through all of this. It's completely insane and i'm scared shitless. This is my last set of classes. before graduation!?

so you might ask, why the hell are you taking on so much work?? well that is because of

Car payment
Car Insurance
Phone Bill
Credit Card Bill
I'm sure there are more bills
then every other expense ever...

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