a fine time to bleed

Sep 19, 2008 03:59

I detest being female at all the most predictable times. I swear my IQ lowers when I'm on the rag.  It's painful, nauseating, tiring, and messy, and I swear it limits my ability to communicate verbally.  I just say exactly the wrong thing for every situation I stumble into.  It's simply wonderful (note the heavy sarcasm here) that I have two tests this week.  The one week this month when I'm least biologically prepared for taking in and remembering information.  I used to at least try to think of my period as life affirming, reassuring proof that my reproductive system is functioning normally, but honestly, this is the time of month when I feel like I'm dying, when I feel the least normal and healthy and functioning.  I once had a one night stand with a girl and we woke up on blood stained sheets, because her period had started in the middle of the night.  I think she was a little embarrassed, but for me for some reason it was an amazing experience.  I mean, it wasn't my blood, or my sheets.  I wanted to give her a massage or something.  I found it hilarious that she later told my friend she'd gotten me drunk and taken advantage of me.  Being taken advantage of is supposed to feel degrading and lower your self esteem.  I did not feel one bit taken advantage of. 
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