I felt aqua today.

Sep 01, 2008 19:47

That's what my mood ring tells me.  Usually when I wear it it's some variant of purple.  This morning it was going crazy with colors.  Chartruse  with plum edges, and then brown edges, then more of a burgundy with some aqua in the middle.  Even hints of burnt sienna, olive and taupe.  It lasted for most of the day, and now I'm back to purple.  I was telling my dad that I find humor in the fact that we think a ring that changes color based on temperature can tell us what mood we're in. Then he said, "What if it's not only temperature that changes it?  What if it's subtle changes in body chemistry that the ring picks up?"  and he mentioned how animals can sense changes in emotion based on chemical changes that accompany them.  I suppose I'll actually have to try and find out how mood rings work now.  As if that's the most important thing right now.  How mood rings work.  I am so hideously disorganized.  Way too distractable.  I need to clean my room, but every time I try I end up getting distracted by things that I find, or being unable to decide where anything goes.  It's utter chaos. 

mood rings

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