Dec 31, 2009 02:19
Where do I begin? No, I am not going to sum up the past ten years.
Not much at least. Just a tad.
The good Lord gave me a six pack somewhere underneath this layer of stomach flab. Time for me to do something to let it show. Two thousand and ten. I'm tired of looking at myself in the mirror and wondering if I could be something more. Honestly.
Getting in shape shouldn't be something one does to impress another, sure it's helpful in doing just that, but in reality, it's about helping to live one's life to the fullest and being that person you know you want to be. It's about building confidence, something I admit I sorely lack at times, and then I wind up in the same ruts. But I know that I have friends who care, family whom care, and then there's me. This time ten years ago, I was a scrawny freshman in high school, just trying to make friends and fit in. I succeeded some and failed some. I went to college. I wasn't the best student, I admit. But I got through it with help. Time for me to be me. I know I went through these periods of "finding who I wanna be." That's great and all, but there's no time for that now. Now it's more like, the world is my open field. My education and experience is what my burro is made out of, and how I go about plowing this field is how well I will prosper from all this and how well my crops will grow, and in the end, what I can reap from all of this.
Now's the time to make that change.
Two thousand and nine brought much change to my life. I've met new people, tried new things, and am in a new relationship. Honestly, I am happy. I hope nothing changes that.
I want to become vegetarian. I'm not a big fan of meat. I like fish. I like working with my hands to create stuff. I like being a passionate person, giving to help others and going out of my way to make things happen. Why? Sometimes I don't know. But I can't deny it.
I hope that when the end of 2010 rolls around, I will feel the way I wish to look, and have a career that will springboard me into bigger and better things.
Goodbye 2009.
Hello future.