Does anyone know this fic?

Jan 05, 2019 11:09

Hey CLex fans out there. I'm in need of a little help. I found this doc on my hard drive entitled "UNTITLED MPreg" and apparently it was saved before I had the habit of putting a URL at the bottom of the source. I'm getting ready to do a massive upload to Theme CLex Recs of Crossover CLex and would like to move on to MPreg next. The doc is about 60 pages long and I swiped a snippet from about 20 pages in. Does anyone recognize the fic?

He raised an eyebrow, but otherwise didn't outwardly react. "Wow. You're good. Take the evidence and then make an incredible leap of logic. Congratulations."

Wow. Even though she'd known, she'd hadn't really thought.

"I think I need to sit down," she said shakily.

"You are sitting."

"Oh. Right." She lay down and closed her eyes. "Got anything to drink?"

She heard him rise and leave the room. When he came back, he pressed a bottle and glass into her hand.

"Savor it," he commanded. "It's expensive."

Chloe nodded and sat back up, slowly. She still felt a little dizzy. After pouring, she lifted it to her nose and sniffed, just to make him happy. One didn't want to upset the pregnant man unnecessarily, after all.

It burned going down, making her warm. A mellow feeling spread out through her limbs. With a sigh, she sat back and rested her head on the back of the couch. "So. Pregnant."

"You know, for someone who figured it out, you're acting pretty surprised."

"I've never been in the presence of a pregnant man before. Besides. I always figured if you and Clark did have kids, you'd use Lana or me. It's a shock to hear that you don't need either of us, even if I did suspect." She took another sip. "The wall of weird wasn't enough preparation."

Thanks so much in advance,

smallville, recs, mpreg, lex, clex, theme, sv, clark

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