I don't know how often, nor how long I will be able to keep this up, but I'd like to highlight some talented authors in the Smallville fandom. Although most have moved on to other fandoms, are writing as a profession, or, life intervened.
I am still going to squee just a little every once in a while. Today, I read this short, funny story that had me searching out my files for more from the same author... I can only find 7 in all - but this lady packed quite a punch in the Smallville fandom. I did screenshots of how they appear on my harddrive as I like to read in a pretty interface - or whatever I deem appropriate for the fic :) When I can, I will include remarks from others in the fandom who had previously recommended the same fics...
Without further ado... just click on the pics
Here's what
thete1 Teland said on her rec page...
Destina Fortunato: An Economy of Truth
God, God, God.
A beautifully sweet and painful exploration of love as it relates to the
meeting of two solitudes -- always alone at the end of the day, but never
entirely without hope.
Gorgeously done.
Dearly departed
thamiris had this to say...
A complicated story from Lex's point of view. Lex is dark-edged here, surrounded by rich prose and subtle dialogue, and he wants, but his actions are counter-intuitive. Brain-engaging with the right amount of emotional twists. In both this and Prophet of Eden, Destina made me anxious; her stories are never predictable.
vylit Violetsmiles had this to say...
Crucible by Destina Fortunato -- Ouch. This is painful, realistic, and extremely well done.
vylit (Violetsmiles),
thete1 (Teland),
Svmadelyn and I'm sure others weighed in on this excellent work.
Here's what Jenn had to say...
Time travel and past mistakes. One of my favorite Smallville fics of all times as Lex tries to fix the past from the future.
This is the one that started my quest this afternoon... written for the X-Titles challenge. I'd read Prophet of Eden a few years ago and plan to again very soon, however, Signs and Wonders got me with the first few lines of dialogue. I think other than That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy (if I'm remembering the title/plot right) I hadn't read any other fics where someone had watched/stalked Kent and come to this conclusion. You'll just have to take my word for it and read :)
Silk in the trees... flannel on the bed *sigh*
Svmadelyn's take...
Wetwork by Destina: Amazing, amazing story. Unique structure that I was in awe of, and had to read again immediately after because I felt like I needed to soak it in more.