so it's been a pretty upsetting past few days. i've been letting people know, so you may have already heard, but for those that care and maybe haven't heard...
for the majority of the summer Champ has been fighting something, possibly hepatitis. whatever it is has ravaged her liver. we got the news a few days ago that she's now got a blockage in her gall bladder. this is basically the first of her organs shutting down due to her liver not functioning. we've had to make the incredibly tough decision to not do the operation on her gall bladder. there are a number of reasons for this, the main being that the vets can't guarantee her surviving the operation. there is an extremely high chance that the sedative will kill her, because her liver won't be able to process it, she'll essentially overdose. about a month ago she needed had a procedure to try to figure out what's wrong with her liver, and she narrowly recovered from the sedation, and they gave her the minimal dose. the second reason being that if she does recover from this operation, we still don't have any idea why her liver is failing, and there's a possibility that it isn't something that’s curable. and lastly of course in the sheer cost, it's already been a few thousand dollars to get this point and they're estimating almost $10,000 to complete this procedure, and of course we get no guarantee that either she'll survive the surgery, or it'll actually cure her. even after all that, she still has this liver problem. the last thing we want to do is give up on her, but if it's Champ's last days we want them to be spent having a good time, and not in some animal hospital that she really hates being at.
so if you are in the area, and would like to, please feel free to stop by my parent's house and say goodbye to Champy - it would make her really happy to see some old friends. just give my parents a call before you head over so they know you're coming and can be there for you to see her, if you need the number send me an email, or post a comment. if you're planning on it make sure it's soon, they've told us that when she starts to go it will be very quickly, and could be as soon as tonight. sorry i was so late in posting this, i haven't had my shit together the past few days. i really hope you'll get to see her if you want to, it would really make her happy.
also, if you've got any photos of Champy you can post them here: here's a couple (very)quick videos my Dad took last summer: