whoa weird dreams.

Jan 14, 2005 12:32

i had a very interesting series of weird dreams last night. it started off when i was at my grandma's farm in virginia and we were in her house. and there was a whole lot of stuff going on, and we were moving from my grandma's house to my aunt Claire's house. Then we were going to go to the beach for summer. but it was winter and there was snow. and i was packing my stuff, then my little cousin comes to tell me that Dave just got there. which was odd. and i looked out the window and he was playing with my cousins.

then everyone started leaving so i went to leave too. but i had to stop at Tempe Camera first. but for some reason, i had to run there. and while running there, all i had on were black dress slacks that weren't mine. no shoes, no shirt, no had. it was odd; although i did have a giant roll of paper towels. i mean like 4 feel high. very absorbent, which was good cause it was raining.

while in tempe camera i ran into Bobby. the guy who used to be my drum teacher, he never liked me so much, cause i broke my arm and had to quit playing. anyways, he tells me that my camera sucks and i need to buy a new one. so i'm sad, but he offers me a ride to meet up with my family. suddenly we're heading westbound on the 60 in my car. but i'm not driving, he is. which i was kind of upset about. anyway, he keeps touching me in the way that old people touch you and you feel terribly uncomfortable. suddenly there's a blizzard. and he's driving like 90 down the freeway and there's puddles of hail and snow. so i turn on 4 wheel drive. then he puts his hand on my leg and tells me i should give him road head. and i'm like, DUDE! you're 40. and tell him that he can drop me off here.

suddenly, i'm playing xmen. and we're fighting the dark phoenix. and she kills cyclops, storm, jean grey (don't ask me how, i know they're the same person), ice man, and rouge is the only one left cause she's draining energy from the phoenix, but then the phoenix used her super X thing. and i died.
i look away from the tv screen and i'm in a giant ship. which could quite possible be the x jet. and there is this little blue midget woman with red hair, and she tells me that she is rouge, but because i lost the game someone switched her bodies. and she tells me we need to find more people so that we can find her body. then she disappears. and suddenly jackie is there with me, and we're trying to start what we think is an airplane but all we can do is turn on the air conditioning.
then i sat down and the controls were all confusing. but then the plane started walking, and i realized it wasn't a plane at all. it was a walking robot. and i was in it's head. and it was kinda cool. then i pushed a button and it wouldn't stop jumping, which was annoying. eventually i gained control and we found a group of people, and we tried to steal their clothes for the Rouge midget. only the little kids would get in the robot. and then a bad robot came and started trying to kill us all.

so i went over to an elevator, and went down. when i got out there was a man there who i knew, he was an older attractive man. and apparently he was my sugar daddy. we were going to go up to his room, but he insisted that we take the dumbwaiter. but his suite was gigantic, and had one of those never ending pools and the whole thing was windows. and told me to have sex with him in his bathroom which was all marble.

for some reason or another i jumped in the sink. and it turned into the pool. i was swimming around underwater and noticed people swimming above me. i went to see who it was and it was jamie tan and erin. erin was just floating there. but jamie was splashing alot. we decided to go underwater and explore. we found a tiny ironing table. which eventually grew to be a giant ironing table. and we sat under it and ate these candies that looked like pills but tasted like really good sweet tarts. and i couldn't stop wondering, why aren't they dissolving since they're in the water with us. then after about 10 minutes or so jamie said she needed air, and went up to breath.

the end.

the weird part was, i woke up and jamie was texting me. crazy fo sho.
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