Jun 01, 2007 23:05
I have no idea if i posted about prom already..but im going to now.
first off..im going to say it was fucking AMAZING. It turned out way better than i expected it to. the tables were beautiful..the dinner was great and the music was fantizmo.
Everyone looked so pretty. Even though there were people there that i could have cared less to see...I had a great time. I danced the entire night..it was better not having a date..i didnt have to worry about who i was dancing with and what not.
im not going to go into the step by step of what i did right now..mainly because i dont feel like typing it all. but i had fun..i saw a boy i have a crush on and he looked HOT..and yeah..dancing was great.
I have two in class finals next week. i have to pass those or else im not graduating. so i will know right away if i am walking the stage i guess. i have to study like fuck tomorrow and sunday. and i have to study monday and tuesday.
the next tests i have to worry about are the week after..general physics on the 18 and intermediate algebra. im confident that im going to pass that because i know that stuff..i think i could do it in my sleep. so i have to study for general physics too. i got a 40 something on the mid term. i hope i do ok. i have to ask if it is just multiple choice or am i going to have to do some problems.
i dont know im really worried that i wont walk the stage because of something stupid..and then i'll have to go to summer school and possibly start college late or something. idk.
i need to make sure that i study though.
so i think im gonna go upstairs and start preping to study.im not gonna study until tomorrow though. i need today to just be a chill day.
alrighty..im gonna let mom on the computer now..
peace and love people..
peace and love<3