American Spin Doctors don't know squat

Aug 26, 2008 09:37

Cubans, now.... Those guys know how to spin a story!

A Cuban athlete fails to get an extension of an injury time-out, even though all he apparently had to do was stand up and ask for more time. By the rules of the competition, he is disqualified. Naturally, he gives the ref a boot to the head. Here's that video:

Fidel Castro had much to say about Cuba's performance in the Olympics. Here's his speech.

I love the set-up for 2012:

"Let us prepare ourselves for important future battles. Let us not be taken in by London’s smiles. There, we are to find European chauvinism, corrupt referees, the buying of muscle and brains (an incalculable loss) and a strong dose of racism.
Let no one even dream that London will achieve the level of safety, discipline and enthusiasm we saw in Beijing. One thing is certain: there'll be a conservative government that is perhaps less belligerent than the current one."
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