((Sort of continuing from
this comment, here.))
.oO (Blast it...BLAST IT ALL! Chanah has not had the easiest time adapting to life here...that I am sure of. Our connection may not be as powerful as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's because of how long we've been apart, but I -know- she's going through more than she really sees fit to let on. I would be at ease if I knew a mech I trusted aside from Blaster...perhaps Jazz or even a mech like Hound...were courting Chanah. But...not knowing... )
*Tracks got up out of the chair he'd been sitting in inside his quarters, pacing the room, feeling anxious.*
.oO (I SHOULD go speak with Chanah... One would think that if something were on her mind, she would be willing to share with her only--...no. No, maybe not. I...have already sensed through her uneasiness that there is a lot she hasn't told me. Some of it...she shouldn't have to tell me. A bot is entitled to their own private thoughts. As it is, I was guilty of hiding my relationship with Kali from her for quite a while. And there is so much else I haven't told her... Why should Chanah then feel obligated to tell me what is going on in her own "love life", private as that SHOULD be, anyway?)
*Optic shutters falling half-shut, he pauses in his pacing, frowning... His gaze falls on his personal computer. Sitting down, he turns it on and logs in...*
.oO (I am probably worrying far too much. Chanah IS -my- sister, after all. She would know better than to foolishly fall for someone unworthy of her affections. She is refined, intelligent and has more common sense in her than half the mechs in this place put together. I shouldn't...interfere so much with her life, anyway. I wouldn't, after all, want her telling me that my decision to court Kali was a poor one... 'Though, if I were making a horrid mistake and did not realize it, I WOULD want SOMEONE to tell me and--AARGH! I wonder if Sideswipe and Sunstreaker EVER have these kinds of problems!?)
*Briefly, Tracks entertains the thought of speaking with Kali about this...but decides against it. He knows he can trust her, but at the same time, isn't sure he wants his family problems entering into their relationship. Blaster is right out. Jazz? The mech's been busy with officer's duties... Raoul? Aside from the fact that Tracks' good human friend is in New York, he's not sure Raoul is mature enough to help him out with this kind of problem. It's as he's logging into check his messages, still trying to come up with a solution...that one pops up in front of him in the form of an instant message.*
*on screen* [StarPyre] Tracks! It's been so long and I've been hearing about all those attacks in Nevada and Texas. How are you? Are you alright?
Michelle! Of course! ...as it is, I owe her a "date" of sorts... I just hope she doesn't mind....
*Hands poised over the keys, he pauses to think a nanoklick or two before typing a response...*