well. muh mommie qot fired yesterday morninq.. it whaz crzy bekuz riqht after that she had to qo to the hospital bekuz of breathinq problems.. i told her it was cuzz of all that smokinq buh she yelled @ meh wen i brang it up. i just dont want to see muh mom qet sick u know.. then muh sister qot knocked down to part time, wen she was workinq full time.. so she only qets half pay.. [they work under the same boss] its messed up bekuz muh bday is on tuesday, && i know they cant qet meh nothinq.. they keep on havinq "talks" with meh about it. buh they dont understand that i mean yea, im materialistic, buh it dont mean that i dun understand whaz qoinq on. i actually dun expect nada from them, so its qravy if they cant buy anythinq.. as long as i qet my cake lol.... im qood!!! so meh n muh mom are about to move aqain. buh W/E!! life qoes on..
love yall kidz.. wen i qet the chance i will comment on ur LJ's, too!!
muh munchi made it fa mehh ;]