(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 23:51

i've been qoinq thru some stuff lately. lost some ppl that i loved alot buh u kno im not the type to show that i was affected by it. muh mother is stressed n she seems like shez takinq it all out on meh. muh sister had surqery riqht? n i didnt even find out until last niqht. thats mean as hell for muh family to cut meh out like that, i mean believe meh i can face the facts. we have to beh out of the apartment by sunday n im just startinq to feel @ home here, buh i mean thats life. muh mom is most likely about to qet fired. which puts us in the postition to move in with muh aunt, have no money, n no real home. i mean i kno muh mom is tryinq, she reall is, and i kno that she loves her job. buh why should a job take away all that i've had? first it made us move an hour away to a place thats the total opposite of were i came from. then it made meh qive away muh fukkinq doq?! then its makinq us move aqain.... all this for a job shez not even positive about havinq. buh man i'll qet ovr it. im just qoinq to qo back to tha dont-trust-nobody staqe bekuz the last person i was beqqininq to trust w/ everythinq.. screwed meh ovr, so why should i put muh self in the predicament of beinq hurt aqain. im smarted then that. as of today im chanqinq muh self for the better. ima stay away from relationships bekuz im too gullable. ima re-do muh hair [lol bekuz i want too]. ima stick to muh old frenz bekuz they have always been there n i kno they aint qoinq to leave meh no time soon. ima beh care-free [uh-koon-a-muh-tat-a] lol.. i dont kno how to spell it so i sounded it out for yall. n most of all ima live more for meh instead of livinq for everyone else.
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