(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 07:34

Guess where I aaaaaam!

I found Azula! Well, actually, she found me, but I guess the details don't matter much. I went back home kind of late so I don't know if Ganta or Fin heard me, but I'm totally in my room in my apartment right now. And I think I might have a little bit of a cold, which is really weird because I was fine when I was outside! No one cute is allowed to come see me till I'm completely better though, because I keep sneezing and my nose is all runny and I haven't brushed my hair in days.

But I don't have a tongue bug or chickenspots or anything like that, so It's alllll good over here.

discedo: anemone, discedo: lavi, discedo: tir mcdohl, discedo: ganta igarashi, discedo: !ic, discedo: *satellite plot, discedo: sun ce, discedo: kadaj, discedo: johnny sfondi, discedo: suigetsu houzuki

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