[Bernkastel is doing usual things in Mayfield. Maybe she's in the school. Maybe in the library. Maybe just shopping very obscure things.
Regardless, she somehow moves closer to your character while doing her business, and then it happens. Her tail - which she has recently regained, and which is, otherwise, not all too noticeable - lashes out, trying to fondle the nearest person - your character.
Maybe it tries to flip up your characterÄs skirt, or rubs over their side. Maybe the victim is Lambdadelta, and got tail slapped in the face while she was sneaking up on Bern from behind.
Regardless, they just were subject to an attempt by Bernkastels tail to molest in one way or another, which the witch might not even have noticed. What does your character do?
Tail image:
http://puda-party.deviantart.com/art/Umineko-Witch-of-Miracle-129362374?offset=40Male characters are fine too.]