Among other things, I was refering to that possibility, yes. To some, 'May you live in interesting times' may be a curse. To others, the curse is the threat of the opposite.
Well, "real" life, as one might call it, was spent in a world not too different from this one as far as what seemed to constitute normal. One dressed accordingly, stayed within their social status, and altogether did not talk about unpleasant things.
Of course, when said unpleasant things happen to you and you have no real way of coping, there's a place for you too: an asylum. Ten years in one of those places is enough to drive anyone who wasn't already mad on the brink. Now for me, there was really only one way to cope, and that was restoring my fragmented mind by visiting the world I created in my youth, called Wonderland. The horrors experienced there is enough to make one's hair go white, but I made my place and won it back through...less savory means.
No reason to have one I trust yet, and such sacrifices were necessary in my world as well.
To some, 'May you live in interesting times' may be a curse. To others, the curse is the threat of the opposite.
Then I suppose some might think my times are interesting, but I think that notion is a bit mad without knowing the exact circumstances.
Of course, when said unpleasant things happen to you and you have no real way of coping, there's a place for you too: an asylum. Ten years in one of those places is enough to drive anyone who wasn't already mad on the brink. Now for me, there was really only one way to cope, and that was restoring my fragmented mind by visiting the world I created in my youth, called Wonderland. The horrors experienced there is enough to make one's hair go white, but I made my place and won it back through...less savory means.
Breaking the opposition, well, I rather liked that part actually.
A good way to spend the day, at the very least.
That was spread over several months, actually.
Even better, as far as I am concerned. If s truggle doesn't get boring, I for one am fine with it lasting centuries.
That would be rather long, and I'm still human. Can't stay alive for that long.
Ah, in this place, you might. You cannot die here. Permanently, that is.
So I heard. Dying temporarily would be much better than being droned.
Dying is also a good way to cure wounds, in this place.
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