video ♓ 001

Jul 17, 2011 12:18

[the camera switches on to show a rather irritated face, one finger poking at the screen. heads up and watch out 'cause this Yankee girl's temper is on the short string.]

Right, let's make this very quick-I haven't had anything to eat today, so my temper's going to short with anyone who doesn't have straight answers for me. I know this isn't my phone, but I just have to ask: where am I? How I can get back is another very important question, not to mention how I got here in the first place and just who thinks he can drag me here. A very important friend of mine is in trouble, and I'm not sitting around here while I should be with her.

That being said, if it's the same person who thought these scarecrows were a funny idea then he really needs to rethink his sense of humour. I don't have the patience to deal with these things when I need to be with Tohru.

Got it? All right, let me know. Thanks.

this isn't funny, bff is in trouble!, on a wire, fix this humour sense, gtfo kyou, not funny, tohru!, get me out, what do, whose ass am i kicking, no patience, don't test me

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