Sep 26, 2008 09:45
OK... I am NOT going to answer these questions. Not because I am afraid, only because they are stoopid. Most of them have answers that are dependent upon the situation. SO Iwill instead summarzie my political leanings for those who would care to know.
Pro Choice, but anti Abortion (I dont want people to have abortions, but Its not my place to stop them!).
Pro Death Sentence (jail just makes criminals worse, why pay for their upkeep)
Abstinence only sex education is irresponsible. Some kids are going to have sex no matter what you tell them; make sure they know the consequences and how to be safe.
I don't believe being gay is a choice (why would anyone choose to be part of an outcast minority?) I have officiated a same sex marriage-make it legal.
I beleive that all the gods are the same and different people describe them differently. Christian Morality SHOULD NOT be the basis of what is legal and what is illegal. People should be free to do as they wish, as long as it does not harm another, or inhibit the freedom of others.
I am bitter that I cannot wily-nily immigrate to a country I would rather live in (like Germany or Ireland), I would like to see better controls, but I support immigration to and from all countries. If life is crappy where someone lives, let them move to somewhere better. Eventually political power will follow the people, so let them vote with their feet. Sure there are problems with migrant populations, but that is an issue that could be solved given proper motivation on the part of our government. Heck, Doesnt alaska PAY people to move there?
All Illegal drugs should be made legal and overseen by the government the way alcohol and tobacco are. The drinking age should be removed entirely and people should stop making such a big fuss about it. People who are going to get wasted are going to get wasted. Doing something "Naughty" is the main attraction for teens to abuse drugs, make it legal, make it available in a safe and controlled environment. Tax them so they are not easily afforded, enforce laws about public intoxication and use, and promote a culture that frowns on being wasted.
There is NEVER any reason to strike a child- there are so many more horrible ways to punish children (like taking away priveliges and solitary confinement. I would much rahter be swatted in the butt a few time and go back to playing my video game than to have to sit in the corner for a half hour. Besides Positive reinforcement works better. (see dog training manuals!)