Aug 26, 2008 09:42
I was at a loss for a way to begin my post, and athough it sounds whiny, it isnt. Its just that nothing special ever happens on tuesdays. There is still SOO much week left. However, It is Eureka Night. YAY that is the only show I have watched with any regularity in years. Boy meets Boy was the last one, I don't remember ever watching a tv show habitually before that.
I have been painting a lot recently, Ever since last tuesday when we held scriptorium at my house. I hav really come a long way in my ability to execute celtic knots. I can now do animorphs as well as regular knots and I think I will be able to mix up the knot pattern using the same basic starting frame any day now. Doodling at work and on the train helps a lot.
I really should focus on improving my calligraphy, but it is so much less fun than painting. I get so frustrated when my insular miniscule doesn't look like it does in the books. Practice makes perfect... but only perfect practice. If anyone knows someone who can lead/guide/help me out with that script, I am open to advice.
I sTILL havent finished my second shoe. I really need to make myself do that. Maybe I will put away scribal stuff until I make my shoes as an incentive.