Jan 16, 2007 00:46

[ X ] Application submission to/acceptance to HiHome (YAY!)
[  ] Work on next Ced/Cho fic
[  ] Possible work on fanart (of the HP fandom in general)
[  ] Read up on  my HP books
[  ] Whatever comes to mind in the near future.


*dances around room*

One down, a cornacopia of possibilities to go!

RL: Currently out of town. May we all remember MLKJr. on this day. I'm comin' back  this week though I just arrived (and gosh, I'm beat). I'm currently working on a seperate story (a novel, I guess, since it's sooo long), so those other things up there may be pushed back. Also, during the second semester at my school, classes got changed around (mostly just the electives--the hard ones just had to come to my doorstep now), so that may slow things a bit down. But...there's always the 11 months left in the year 2007 to accomplish these things! *winces at cheesiness*

LJ: As it says up there, I'm a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts is Home's (
hogwartsishome) "online campus." There (and, of course, back at HH) I'll strive and be an asset and a vivacious writer/drawer/Hogwarts student/Ravenclaw! Gosh, it sounds like I'm taking it seriously (as if the HP world was real, per se), but I just think it's tons of fun meeting other HP fans (in America and maybe even overseas!) and making friends!  On the side of that novel I mentioned up there, I am working on my next Ced/Cho fic; the fact that it's called Forget Me Not is all I'll say about it for now. A piece of fanart is in the works (that is surprisingly not C/C, it's Tom/Ginny!), and I'm filling out something so my HiH Claws will get to know me soon enough :)

I have to give it to ya, Jade, for pointing me to these comms. I don't know what I'd do without you :D Presently, I made friends with a fabulous Slytherin,
darkmoore . As matter of fact, on my app. there were quite some Slytherins who seemed really nice (along with the rest of the peeps in Puff, Gryff, and Claws, of course^_^).

*yawns*  Well, g'night.

ravenclaw, future events, fanart, hihome, fics, ced/cho

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