(no subject)

Nov 25, 2006 12:04

Written by me of course. X-posted from here to places like my school,
hogwartsharmony  Represent!

Title: Transcending
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Drama (with some comic relief)
Characters: Cedric/Cho, Marietta
Summary: Cho is still grieving over the death of Cedric. But somehow both he and her friend try to cheer her up.
A/N: This fic's foundation is all around Cedric's message to Cho; I wrote that part way before I started this one at a coffee shop, and I thought then it would be convenient to have a fic based around that.

"He left this under his pillow!" Zacharias Smith held out a folded piece of parchment to Cho's departing back. She showed no sign of stopping and instead showed signs of stomping her way back to the Ravenclaw common room. Smith rolled his eyes. "C'mon Cho, it's for you!," he said close to a roar. That got her attention: her shoes screeched against the marble floor.

Cho's heart stopped and body froze. She spun around and eagerly snatched the parchment from his fingers, keeping her head bowed and hiding her teary eyes. "Thank you," she whispered to the floor and walked back to her dorm. On the way she glanced at the folded paper: in the fanciest calligraphy he could write, three letters were written in royal blue ink. C h o.

Her fingers lingered around the edges of the letter as she lay idly on her bed crying. Pain balled up inside her and grew worse and worse since her boyfriend's death. His last few words...echoed in her head...

"Please don't go, Ced....not yet."

"Cho, I have to." His eyes looked out to the arena entrance and back to her. "After that second task..." His eyes held back swelling water he blinked away. "...you're never going to be in danger ever again." He closed his eyes. He kissed her hard against her lips. "I'm doing that for you now," Cedric grinned.

"You're my hero."

He smiled, "Always will be." Kissing Cho one last time, Cedric Diggory proudly walked into the arena....

The letter had slipped from her hands and on to the floor while her hands and pillow suffocated her and muffled her tears. She didn't hear her roommate's footsteps coming in the room, nor did she notice her picking up the letter and reading "Cho" on it. No, Cho didn't realize (after a few minutes of more weeping) that her best friend was sitting next at the foot of her bed and waiting for her to stop. Marietta grabbed Cho's hand from her face and squeezed it.

"Cho. Cho," she hushed and pleaded. "Read it." She offered the sleeve of her robe to Cho as a tissue; Cho wiped her face of her tears and lightly blew her nose. Ignoring a grossed-out Marietta, Cho got the letter and slowly opened the yellow parchment, now gingerly sprinkled with her tears. The words were all a blur to her (a few grammatical mistakes and scratches), but then she gasped. She finally seemed awake and read on:

I feel like I should tell you something. I thought it good to write it down on paper, mind you. Here I go...
    We've been together for a year now, and I don't ever want to let you go. You've been a great element in my life. A reason for living. Surely, you understand, am I right? You're just so sweet when you smile-- Well, even when you don't smile your beautiful personality glows. I know you know that we've meant something to each other, and it's time I said something about it. Your mysterious ways attracted me to you. Your beauty must be divine within you as it is on the outside. But no matter what you do, how you act or react, to this, where you go, or however I say it, remember this and never forget it:

I love you, Cho.

When I see you, you're my everything in that one second, minute, or hour  instant I see you. You're my sunshine in the storm whenever I'm down in the pits. You're a diamond in the rough. You've been with me through everything good and bad that could possibly happen in a year. You know me more than I know myself. I will enjoy every moment with you in the years to come. Merlin, who knows what the future holds for us? Whatever fate throws at us, I'll always be there for you as you have for me.


Cho read the letter twice--thrice at least. She wiped a few more flowing tears and looked at her friend Marietta, who was still wiping her sleeve on Cho's bedsheets. Cho, for the first time, laughed. "Thanks for being here with me," she smiled. Marietta looked up and grinned back.

"At your service," hugging Cho, Marietta chuckled. The strawberry-blonde eyed the open parchment and started skimming through it.

"Marietta!" Cho cried out, trying to grab the paper from her friend's unwilling hands.

"You should write him back," she uttered, her eyes glued to the paper.

Cho stared at her Marietta with the utmost frustration. The muscles slightly tightened in her face. "You know that's impossible," she said looking down at her shoes.

"I know," she said after finishing reading. Marietta pulled up her legs and sat on the bed Indian-style, "...but...I'm curious..."

Looking at her friend again with the same expression, "Curious about what?" Cho asked. "It's my letter."

Marietta looked up at the ceiling as if her thoughts were suspended from there. "I heard from my cousin..." She moved close enough to Cho where she could whisper into her ear like she was divulging something secret, "....love can transcend time...anything"

"Marietta, your cousin's a Muggle."

"I know, but so?" Marietta said back, headstrong. "You'll never know until you--" --she held an imaginary quill-- "--write!"

Right as she spoke their group of giggling friends were at the door urging them to join them. Marietta hopped from on top of Cho's bed and bounced to the door. She looked back when she noticed Cho still entranced by Cedric's parchment. "You coming, Chang?" Marietta inquired.

"I'll pass."

Marietta shrugged and signaled the posse to go ahead. Cho turned back to the letter. Write back to him? How can that be...? She glanced back at how he wrote her name. It's so pretty...Cedric. Without any second thoughts, Cho fetched her ink bottle, quill, and a new piece of parchment from her messenger bag. Cho first slowly and meticulously drew his name in calligraphic letters in the center of the paper, blew on it to dry, and turned over the parchment. Then, she began to write....

Now then: remember I said I was working on a story with an online friend? Well, she wrote a fic, and I thought of a perfect idea for a side story to go with it (that has C/C in it :D) in a Catholic academy AU setting! It's still in the works.

c/c joint fic idea, fic, ced/cho

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