Late Night Vignettes vol. 1 [I can't...sleep....]

Oct 22, 2006 03:45

Creative writing really helps me sleep. This time, in the form of really short vignettes (I think that's how you spell it). Honestly this is out of shear most creative things I write. I guess inspiration hits me at the most awkward of times.

Part 1**
He was her answer to her prayers.

A bright light shone on her as she glued her eyes on the heavenly body that descended. A hue of green glowed around him strangely. She reached out desperately toward him, not being able to see him--feel him for so long. His hair glistened in the dusk's rays; the hazel in his eyes sparkled. His angelic body glided to her.

And the angel that stood there said unto her: "I am...Cedric."

"Cedric..." She buried her raven head into the crook of his neck. "...I love you."

They kissed so passionately, it was sinfully sublime. And he disappeared into dust...

Part 2**
Organ keys produced lovely melodies. Its sound shot through pipes not too tall, for the chapel was small. No one stood for the woman in white, her dark hair adorned with vivid flowers under her sheer veil. The dress was pure and simple, a clean color fitting the occasion wrapping around her and touching the floor. She gingerly walked as her face felt warmer and warmer with the sudden tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. All the while she smiled at her loving man who smiled back wiping a tear. They clung to each other and kissed each other's wet lips (the minister giving them a quizzical look).

"Imagine what would have happened," Cedric murmured into her ear, "if this day never came."

"Cedric, don't say such a thing," Cho yearned. "I can't imagine." She jumped a little from his fingers tracing her chin and holding her cheek in its palm.

"Neither can I," he uttered, and they kissed once more.

Everything else was just a blur from behind their infectious tears.

Part 3*
The morning came too soon, but soon enough, the local coffee brewery had opened even earlier than that. Groggy teenagers made their way to the cafe and drank the caffeine as if it were butterbeer. Cho was content with just one cup, a rather large one, and settled outside on the sidewalk in Muggle clothes intead of her robes. They were all off campus that day anyway.

She sipped some more coffee, cringing at the taste and shivering from the cold. Tightening her scarf around her neck, Cho tried again at her acquiring of the taste of this relatively new beverage to her. It warmed her up though. She just wished someone was with her. Maybe to finish her coffee.

Jingling bells that hung from the entrance rang merrily when a few young customers exited the establishment. Cho felt the hype in their footsteps and could see her fellow schoolmates jumping and dashing down the sidewalks of the little town with their newfound energy. She laughed and stared into her drink, barely finished. Her reflection was a little off, but someone else appeared in her coffee. A head of a boy...right behind her. She gasped, here eyes fixed on her coffee; the boy laughed, and in an instant he was at her side standing tall before her. Cho gazed up and saw his smiling face and a thermos in his hand steaming with coffee.

"Hey, Cedric." That's all that Cho could say at the moment. Even to the one of the most important persons in her life.

"Hey, Cho," Cedric said back casually. "D-Do you mind if I sit next to you?" he asked turning as red as the Weasleys' hair.

Cho shook her head. "Thanks," he said, and he dropped next to her on the card ground.

She could see that his cup hadn't been touched by his lips yet. He blankly stared at his cup and turned it as if he were to taste wine. She couldn't help but stare at his beauty while he did things just out of shear boredom or what seemed of it. Cho watched him put down his cup and gaze out across the road; the eastern sun behind them painted the vast valley of grass down yonder a hue of orange and a hint of fuscia. The view they both looked at was mesmerizing. Cho completely forgot about Cedric. Ironically, he didn't forget about the girl--his girl--right next to him; his head met her shoulder, and immediately Cedric fell asleep. Cho was just drinking from her cup and nearly spat out everything in her mouth when he did that. She blushed. His head felt even warmer than her coffee. Her eyes looked at his peaceful face resting on her shoulder.

"Cho..." she heard Cedric dreamily mutter.


"You smell good." Cho turned absolutely pink. She put down her cup and rested her head on his soft hair.

"You do...too..." Before she knew it, she drifted into sleep with Cedric.

The morning came too soon, but soon enough, two students went back back in their musings of yesterday...
* = Part 3 was inspired by a fandoodle I was doing  yesterday. The doodle's gonna be on here soon enough :) I might put up art for these vignettes as well.

** = Parts 1 and 2 were based off two songs which I (now) listen to ^_^  Part 1 is based off that French song in the C/V/HP vid in my last post (if you watched it); Part 2 has the rough translation of the title in it: Infectious Crying (or ...Tears), but in Japanese, it's Morai Naki. Another Youtube fanvid song. Yeah...

Good night...hopefully...if I can sleep...

And maybe I could write these more often. What do you guys think?

vignettes, insomnia, ced/cho

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