Goodbye, my friend

Feb 06, 2007 00:32

So, this afternoon, Rosie died, and I am now fishless. It is rather odd to be sitting here and typing, with a clean fish tank, and no scary little cannibalistic fishy swimming around. She died about an hour after I cleaned her tank, which is ironic. I cleaned everything, exactly how I always have, and I put the dechlorination stuff in there, just as I always did, but she started swimming around upside down and spazzing, and then when I came back from watching youtube videos with Molly, she was dead. I had her for about eight and a half months, and Aerine had had her for a while before that, so I'm guessing she lived a pretty decent life for a fish. She will be missed.

(Just so you know, since I forgot to mention it, she killed Pheidippides less than a week after I got him. I think I forgot to mention that.)

So, it was a bit of a sad day.

But, in other news, if your name is Valerie, Jenna, Maegen or Ellie, please email me with an address to which I can send you a christmas present and have you receive it in a timely manner. Thanks!
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