(no subject)

Jan 10, 2007 14:47

So, I should be doing homework, or reading more Ammianus Marcellinus or something, so of course I'm here. I'm back at school, and have been for several days. It hasn't been particularly eventful yet, but I'm okay with that.

I don't really feel like I have much of anything to say, which is weird, when I look back at last year, and see the ten thousand things I posted. I guess it is true that good things just don't make as interesting of stories. I feel like I've become boring or something. Maybe I should do something to fix this unfortunate occurece.

Let's see... I have a syllabus for each of my classes, and I didn't forget how to speak spanish, although I basically don't know any greek anymore. (The translation last night was not happy.) I'm also not really sore from martial arts, which is kind of surprising. And... EVERYBODY, showed up, like crazyspikyhaired professor who hasn't come all year, a girl who hasn't come since last january, the people who were in Turkey, a random guy that I though had quit, EVERYBODY who has ever come regularly, 'cept for like, two people who didn't. It was really weird, and a lot of people, but kind of cool, and since there wasn't that much room, it made for an easier day.

Oh.... it's time for Spanish now, so I guess I'll stop rambling and go to class. Have a great afternoon anybody who actually reads this!
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